Friday, June 8, 2012

The Hangman's Daugher by Oliver Potzsch...Even Better Than I expected.

First off, although I'm an extremely avid reader, I don't read much historical fiction. However, I do enjoy reading such novels when the opportunity arises.  BzzAgent has given me the opportunity to enjoy and review two very engaging historical fiction novels by Oliver Potzsch, The Hangman's Daughter and The Dark Monk. 

I received my complementary Kindle copies of the books only a couple of days ago and I've already read over half of the first book in the series The Hangman's Daughter." This book grabbed my attention from the very start with the graphic execution scene described in the prologue. 

The following is taken from my first formal review on

"I'm now over halfway through the first book in this richly detailed historical fiction series by Oliver Potzch and I'm enjoyed the it immensely. I've been completely drawn in by the incredibly vivid sense of place developed by the author. One of the things about this series that makes it so enjoyable to read is its ability to transport the readers to 1659 Bavaria...The descriptions of the characters themselves and the town of Schongau made the reader feel that they are living the story. The story itself chronicles the events that unfold in tight-nit 17th century town after several of the town's orphans turn up murdered. The gruesome details surrounding the deaths of the children spark accusations of witchcraft and malay quickly ensues. If you enjoyed reading about the Salem Witch Trials of other historical concepts of a dark nature, this series may be an excellent summer read. Some of the details of the book can be graphic and violent but they are written so appropriately within the context of the story that the novel retains it's dignity. I hope to finish "The Hangman's Daughter" by the end of the weekend and start right into the next book in the series, "The Dark Monk."

Please check out these great alternative summer reads at the

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